Monday, November 23, 2009

IT'S A BOY!!!!!
We found out at the end of last week that our baby is a boy. We are both so excited, (I think Ryan more than me but he won't show it). Now I can finally start shopping for him. Can't wait 'til April.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I love you so much thanks for all that you do for us, your the greatest. I hope that today is fabulous for you.
I love you

So as you can tell I haven't blogged for a while. I have a ton to catch up on so today is going to be filled with new posts. We have really big news we are having a baby. I am 16 weeks along and so excited. Hopefully soon we will know if its a girl or boy. Everything is going great. Ryan is over the moon, he can't wait to be a dad. We will keep everybody updated, I promise I will be better.
We just got back from Hot Springs, South Dakota for the opening of the pheasant hunt it was so much fun I had to really to some talking to get Ryan to come Home. We had a great time. Thanks to Darin's mom and dad for letting us stay at their house and hunt on their property.

Here's Ryan reloading after one of his many kills. He had such a good time.

Ryan looking for birds.

This is one of my favs, Ryan's brother Joe and his dog Ghost just hanging out on the hill waiting for everyone.

Friday, October 2, 2009

WOW! The summer is gone and I have been such a slacker lately. There has been so much going on. I'm not sure where to start. Ryan has been really busy, and I have become a hunters widow he has been gone most of August and September but he is home for a while now. In August we went with Ryan's family on a really fun pack trip to Alsop Lake in the Uintas. It was so fun.
Here are the boys packing our stuff

The ride in was 3 hours and it was so pretty well my view could have been a little better but that is a pretty cute mule bum that I got to ride behind.

We saw two bull moose just before we stopped to set up camp.

This is where we camped it was so pretty the horses grazed right along the river the whole time.

Me and my cute hubbs, it was really cold up there if you can tell from my rosy cheeks and nose. This was such a fun trip I hope that we make it an annual adventure.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

On July 24th Ryan and I decided to go canoeing at Porcupine Dam. Well lets just say we will probably not do that again.

Our communication skills are not where they should be to doing something like canoeing. We just kept going around in circles. But we did have a good time. GREAT IDEA Ry.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rush Valley Ranch Rodeo
Here is my amazing husband at his first ranch rodeo. He did so great. He roped with my brother Shane and nephew Tanner and a few of our friends. They did so great. WAY TO GO GUYS

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

So this is what came after the bump left. Two black eyes. I think I look like a pretty bad A girl. Man I look awesome :-)
Check out that goose egg. Well the hair leaves something to be desired too. Ryan and I got in a little horse wreck on Thursday. His rope got wrapped around my leg and then half hitched over his horn. Both of our horses got scared and went in different directions, well I went with his horse and landed on my head. I didn't get hurt just got a goose egg.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yea! Our first garden and its growing. We are so excited. If anyone needs corn we are going to have so much. We got a little carried away. We planted 6 rows of corn , beets , potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkins, cantalope, zucchinni, and crook neck squash. It is going to be great. Thanks to Ryan he is the garden expert at our house.
This is Ryan's new toy. We just got it this weekend and we are so excited. It will be so nice to have a trailer of our own. We are already planning a few trips with it. Ryan is going to be in a ranch rodeo on July 10 in Rush Valley. SO EXCITED!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On Sunday Ryan and I went to watch Tanner and our friend Kyle compete in a horse ropin'. It was so fun and they did awesome!!! They took second which is really great. Way to go guys!!!
Here is Ryan hard at work at the Bridgerland High School Rodeo a couple of weekends ago. He loved that he was in charge of the goats. Just kidding I think if he never saw a goat again that would be too soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Annie, Peyton, Trai, Sutton and Riley. What a stinking cute family. We love them and wish they lived closer.

Here is Trai cheesing it up for the camera. 

Parker my nephew got married on April 17th aren't they so cute. The wedding was fabulous and they are so happy. It was so great to see the whole family. 

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wow I'm finally blogging again

I just want everyone to know that I am back in the blogging game. I have been gone for so long that I have to relearn everything. I promise that I'm going to be better. Pictures are coming soon. I'm such a loser, I'm totally stuck in the past, I just barely got a camera so soon I will be up to date with everyone.