Friday, October 15, 2010

Hays and Dad hanging on the couch. I can't believe how big my little boy is.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ok it is official I am a terrible blogger but I hope to redeem myself. This Mom stuff takes a lot of time, but I am into the routine now and I promise I am going to try and be better about blogging. I don't have pictures to update because I can't find my cord for my camera but I promise I will put some up very soon.
So enough about that I'm sure everyone wants to know about Hays, well he is 6 months old and so awesome. He is 27 inches long and weighs just about 17 pounds. He has the greatest personality and is always making Ryan and I laugh. He is eating all kinds of solids and loves them well he just loves to eat. He has two teeth, he can roll all over and he loves to sit up with a little help from mom and dad. He is so amazing we just love him and he is so dang cute ( if I do say so myself) I promise pictures soon.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I cannot believe that it has been three weeks since Hays made his debut the time has gone by so fast. He is such an amazing little man, he is already so tough. He really has a mind of his own. We are so glad that he joined our family, he is such a blessing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HE'S HERE!!!!!!
Hays Ryan Richards has arrived. He made his debut on March 26, at 4:35 am. He was 6 lbs 14 oz and 19.5 inches long. We are so happy to have him here, he is so much fun!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Here is the latest. Hays is going to be here a little sooner than we thought. The doctor is going to induce me on Wednesday March 24 if everything goes ok until then. I will be 37 weeks so hopefully Hays is strong and healthy. My dang blood pressure just likes to hover around that scary mark and the doctor doesn't want to take any chances. We are so excited to meet our little man and we just keep praying that he will be ok and not have any complications. Thanks everyone for you support and love.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I am such a slacker at blogging lately, I guess it's because we haven't really done anything to exciting. But I thought I should update anyway, we only have 5 more weeks to go until Hays gets here and I'll be honest I'm freaking out a little but I'm so excited. Everything is going great my blood pressure is still a little high and so the doc is watching and Hays may have to come a little early but so far so good. Ryan has been really busy with work, shoeing and trying to get Hays' dresser/changing table done, it's almost ready so I will post pictures soon. So as you can see nothing to exciting for us.

Monday, February 8, 2010

IT'S DONE!!!!!!!
Ryan finished the crib. He suprised me with it on Thursday, I came home and he had it all set up in the nursery. I am so excited these pictures don't even do it justice, it is so cool. Way to go babe!!!!