WOW! The summer is gone and I have been such a slacker lately. There has been so much going on. I'm not sure where to start. Ryan has been really busy, and I have become a hunters widow he has been gone most of August and September but he is home for a while now. In August we went with Ryan's family on a really fun pack trip to Alsop Lake in the Uintas. It was so fun.
Here are the boys packing our stuff
The ride in was 3 hours and it was so pretty well my view could have been a little better but that is a pretty cute mule bum that I got to ride behind.
We saw two bull moose just before we stopped to set up camp.
This is where we camped it was so pretty the horses grazed right along the river the whole time.
Me and my cute hubbs, it was really cold up there if you can tell from my rosy cheeks and nose. This was such a fun trip I hope that we make it an annual adventure.
hey lindsey, I was so excited to find your blog! Your trip looks like it was a blast!