Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I am such a slacker at blogging lately, I guess it's because we haven't really done anything to exciting. But I thought I should update anyway, we only have 5 more weeks to go until Hays gets here and I'll be honest I'm freaking out a little but I'm so excited. Everything is going great my blood pressure is still a little high and so the doc is watching and Hays may have to come a little early but so far so good. Ryan has been really busy with work, shoeing and trying to get Hays' dresser/changing table done, it's almost ready so I will post pictures soon. So as you can see nothing to exciting for us.


  1. No worries Linds! You are going to be a great mother! Which reminds me...I need to give yours a little birthday jingle!

  2. I'm glad eveything's going well!! I can't believe you're almost there!!! I can't wait to meet that beautiful baby boy!! And I'm pretty sure you're never fully ready but it all works out some how!!!Let me know it you need ANYTHING!!!
